Friday, July 13, 2007

2.2 patch notes

Ah.. the DOT nerf.. but.. WHERE IS THE TEXT SAYING CHANGING GEAR IN ARENA IS NO LONGER POSSIBLE???!! Sigh... And they didn't fix my hood... Anyway.. I already commented about DOT nerf.

Other than that, I compiled what I think can change arena games a bit.

  • They also reduced the duration of all crowd controls to 10sec max.
  • Reduced the duration of blind to 8sec, the cooldown to 1min (talent makes it 45sec cooldown) and it no longers requires reagent. So expect rogues to do better now on all brackets, and can probably be as good as locks for 2v2 now.
  • Blessing of Freedom cooldown is now 25sec and the duration can be extended by 4secs with talents. This is really nice if you don't have a paladin in your team and have dispelers like me =).
  • Blessing of Sacrifice now has a 1min cooldown.
  • Well.. they fixing the resilience calculation, so expect to take more damage now.

Other changes with original text:
  • Power Regeneration: Any effect which triggers a change in your rate of power regeneration (Mana, Rage, Energy, Focus) will now cause an immediate reward of some power at the old rate of increase, and then begin new "ticks" of power at the new rate approximately 2 seconds later. This was done to improve functionality of abilities such as Evocation and Innervate so that they did not have wasted "ticks".
  • Mac Movie Capture: the Mac client can now capture in-game video to QuickTime movie files using a configurable choice of codec (H.264, Motion JPEG, or Pixlet), resolution, and frame rate. Two new entries have been added to the Key Bindings dialog for start/stop recording and for cancellation of a recording. For more detailed configuration options please see the Mac Options panel in game. Mac OS X 10.4.9 and QuickTime 7.1.6 or better are required. Not all machines have enough performance to smoothly capture video at high frame rates; end user experimentation will be required to find appropriate settings for each system.
  • Cyclone: Paladin Auras, Trueshot Aura, and Aspect of the Pack will now be automatically reactivated when Cyclone wears off of a victim who had one of the abilities active.
  • Mangle: The duration remaining graphic will now display properly for Mangle after it has been refreshed on a target. It will also no longer sometimes apply the Mangle debuff to nearby targets when the Mangle victim is killed by Mangle.
  • Entangling Roots: It is no longer possible to have more than one rank of this spell active on a player.
  • Sword Specialization: This talent's free extra attacks can no longer trigger additional extra attacks.
  • Greater Blessing of Kings, Light, Might, Salvation, Sanctuary and Wisdom increased to 30 minutes.
  • Guardian's Favor now increases duration of Blessing of Freedom by 2/4 seconds.
  • Pain Suppression: This talent will now reduce the chance for any buff on the Priest to be dispelled, rather than reduce the chance of dispelling buffs cast while it is active.
  • Formula: Enchant Chest - Major Resilience: Corrected a tooltip error.
  • Formula: Enchant Cloak - Dodge: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Lower City Quartermaster. The reagents required have been adjusted to match the level 70 content.
  • Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Fire Resistance: The reagents required for this recipe have been adjusted to better match the level 70 content.
  • Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Nature Resistance: The reagents required for this recipe have been adjusted to better match the level 70 content.
  • Formula: Enchant Cloak - Stealth: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Cenarion Expedition Quartermaster. The reagents required have been adjusted to match the level 70 content.
  • Formula: Enchant Cloak - Subtlety: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Thrallmar Quartermaster and Honor Hold Quartermaster. The reagents required have been adjusted to match the level 70 content.
  • Formula: Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Keepers of Time Quartermaster. The reagents required have been adjusted to match the level 70 content.
  • Formula: Enchant Gloves - Threat: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Sha'tar Quartermaster. The reagents required have been adjusted to match the level 70 content.
  • Formula: Enchant Weapon - Greater Agility: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Violet Eye vendor.
  • Various crafting recipes have been added to the Violet Eye faction vendor.
  • Enchanting
    Nexus Transformation: This recipe to transform a Nexus Crystal into a Small Prismatic Shard has been added to some Enchanting trainers.
    • Small Prismatic Shards: This recipe to transform a Large Prismatic Shard into 3
    • Small Prismatic Shards has been added to some Enchanting trainers.
    • Large Prismatic Shard: It is no longer possible to gain skill points in Enchanting from this recipe.
  • Six Demon Bag: The damage spells cast by this item no longer benefit from a player's bonus spell damage effects.

What does this mean: "Items that are indicated as quest items in their tooltips and have a "use" or "equip" ability will not work in PvP arenas."? What quest item you can use that really makes a difference?

The full patch notes can be found here.


. said...

I'm thinking something like

could make it hard to target a player in 5v5 if you put them around casters, trying to click may make you target the mage and tab isn't that usefull in PvP and it may end up targeting 1 of the mage images anyway. So its probably quest items that add things to the arena that shouldn't be there, thats all I can think of.

. said...

want to be immune to sheep, trap, seduce, etc?

it hurts but maybe its worth it.

Aelwen said...

If you use Archmage Vargoth's Staff it's bad for both sides. And Crystal of Zin-Malor.. hmm.. never saw this, could be useful against teams with lots of CC.